About the Author
Ellis was born in Cheshire, where he still works and lives with his family.
As a child, Ellis was captivated by the stories his grandfather would tell him about jungles and wild animals and would look forward to their weekly trips to the local library.
Ellis previously worked in education, where he quickly recognised how important books were to children and how a well-written story can grip and inspire the imagination of a child and make them fall in love with reading.
In 2020, Ellis first started writing his own stories, he started writing for his step-son, Ruben. When he is writing, Ellis takes inspiration from his favourite children’s author, Roald Dahl.
He believes that all children should have access to fun and exciting reading materials, so he offers many audio and digital versions of his books for free to schools and writes with the intention of engaging the child in the telling of the story, by using repeated verses and phrases.